The Ultimate Fitness Training.
We have adopted old school boxing training with new school rules to make the sport of boxing safer and open it up to the general public as a safe, fun and exhilarating way to train.

Training is open to anyone from beginners right through to experienced fighters, and we also have a specialised programs for kids and women’s classes. Training and boxing instruction is done and overseen by Simon Mitchell who has been involved with the boxing fraternity for nearly two decades. Simon has various boxing accolades and titles to his name along with credentials of being an Advanced Boxing Coach and Master Personal Trainer.

Derek Herbert of the Australian Academy of Boxing Melbourne trademarked his unique scoring system with an excessive punching rule so that anyone punching hard will be penalized making White Collar Boxing a skill and speed based discipline. Our primary focus at WCB is for the health and safety of our members, and we take a very personal approach to your training, to help you with technique an strengthening your whole body.

Fun and Safe Environment.
Our members love the training program, and we find that their eagerness to train grows stronger each week, their enjoyment level is huge! The classes are fun, empowering and a great physical workout. Many of our members have expressed how much they prefer to train in a boxing style environment over a typical gym workout which they find uninspiring and stale.

We have seen people come through the doors who have battled with controlling their weight and shape without much success, but have since found a new spark in their step and mindset by training with WCB. The transformation has been sensational to say the least!

Zero 2 Hero Fight Night

Intro offer Only $39

White Collar Boxing & Personal Training
Phone: (02) 9938 3116
14 Carter Rd, Brookvale 2100